Stories from a Backpack

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Once Upon a Time - Letting Go

Thursday Stories - Once Upon a Time

Dear Friend,

"FINE" isn't good enough for you. You deserve a life filled with fantastic, amazing and joyful. Design a life that is better than fine.

This letter is just for you… Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.

Friend, Once Upon a time, I used to struggle to let go and now I’m trying to bring letting go into my happily ever after...

What do we mean by letting go? Do you know that nagging feeling that hangs at the back of your mind, that voice that stops you from fully living in the present? You’ve still got to sort the washing, you really should leave now, it’s late. She never returned your phone call, why are you still bothering? Be careful, he’s said this before. Is that it? Could you not have done more or even done it better? Does that voice sound familiar to you friend? That's the voice that stops you from letting go.So what does letting go look like?

  • It means leaving things unfinished
  • It means things being less than perfect
  • It means saying no
  • It means knowing your limits
  • And most importantly, it means not breaking promises to yourself.

We'll talk more about promises next week, but for now, just start slowly. Start listening to the other voice, the one that tells you to stop. Stop doing the things that make you feel just 'fine' or 'ok'. I promise you it's not easy. But letting go frees you up to grab hold of something new. To design a life that is better than fine. You deserve it.Love,Laura

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